Sports Focus Podiatry
Call Us: (02) 9601 7411


Information for patients on our services and areas such as knee pain, foot pain and heel pain.

Meet The Podiatrist - Laurance Sidari (FAAPSM)

Laurance Sidari (FAAPSM) is a podiatrist with over 42 years experience in all areas of general practice, sports medicine, minor surgical procedures, podo-paediatrics and clinical biomechanics specialising in prescription custom made orthotics.

Laurance is currently on the board of the Australian Podiatry Association NSW and has served as President and Vice President over 39 years. He has also been the Chairman of the NSW Sports Podiatry Group for over 25 years and served on many Committees improving Podiatry. For over 38 years Laurance has been a member of Sports Medicine Australia (Australian Sports Medicine Federation) and served as councillor for 9 of these.

It is Laurance’s expertise and experience within sports medicine that led him to become a valuable member of the podiatry team for the 2000 Australian Olympic Team and Para- Olympic team as well as the 2006 Commonwealth Games. Since starting in private practice 42 years ago, Laurance continues to have a thriving Specialist Podiatry clinic in Moorebank. Laurance’s active interest in biomechanics has led to him to design and make all of his own foot orthoses for all his patients.

In our clinic Laurance also operates as a clinical Supervisor for many students throughout the year for all the NSW based Universities.

Laurance’s expertise includes an extensive knowledge of clinical biomechanics, diabetes, podo-paediatrics, nail surgery and soft tissue curettage as well as corrective orthotic therapy and various other modalities in private practice. Laurance has also lectured to other professionals extensively on clinical biomechanics as well as special interest groups on podiatry, diabetes, sports footwear and general footwear.

What We Treat

For more information, please refer to the list below: